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E-billing sign-up emails have been sent to residents

If we have your email on file, you'll receive a message with your Council Tax account number and a link to sign up to e-billing. If you know your Council Tax account number, sign up for e-billing now.

A-Z of key services

Browse our key services in alphabetical order

Each service also lists the top guidance and tasks most commonly used by our customers. You can access even more pages by choosing the service title. For example, to see all information on how we can help with benefits applications, select 'Benefits and grants'.

About our website

Read about the services provided by Lewes District and Eastbourne Borough Councils through our joint website

Contact us

How to report an issue, make an application, payment or request online without needing to contact us.

Health and social care

Organisations that can help you with local and national health and social care services

Report a problem

Report property, street and environmental issues in Lewes or Eastbourne, including fly tipping, dog fouling, planning breaches and more.

Town and parish councils

Town and parish councils in the Lewes District

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