Universal Credit
What is Universal Credit?
Universal Credit is a single benefit that affects most people of working age who have no or low income. It replaces five existing legacy benefits with one monthly payment.
Universal Credit replaces the following legacy benefits:
- Income Support
- Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
- Job Seeker's Allowance (income based)
- Child Tax Credits and Working Tax Credits
- Housing Benefits
As of 11 October 2017 Eastbourne became a Universal Credit Full Service area.
As of 26 September 2018 Lewes became a Universal Credit Full Service area.
This means there are no new working age claims for legacy benefits (with some exceptions).
You may still be able to claim Contribution-based Job Seeker's Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance depending on your National Insurance contributions. However, for help with your housing costs you will need to apply for Universal Credit.
This also means that if there is a change in your circumstances, you may need to make an application for Universal Credit.
Unless you are living in Specified Accommodation, if you apply for Universal Credits whilst in receipt of Housing Benefit your Housing Benefit will stop. This will happen even if your application is unsuccessful, you withdraw your Universal Credit application or apply by accident.
Further information can be found at www.gov.uk/universal-credit
- You can only apply for Universal Credit online. There are no paper applications;
- Your Universal Credit will be paid on the same day of each month;
- There will be an average wait of one month plus one week before you receive the money for your first claim. During this time you can apply to get an advance on the payment;
- It is important to claim as soon as you know you need help. Payments may not be backdated if you don't claim as soon as you need help;
- Payments are made monthly, directly into your bank account. You will then be responsible for using this money to pay for your housing;
- Therefore, it is important that you set up an email address and bank account before you need to claim and ideally as soon as possible;
- You will also need to apply separately for Council Tax Reduction
If you need help to pay your bills or cover other costs while you wait for your first Universal Credit payment, you can apply to get an advance which you pay back out of your Universal Credit payments. You will need to pay this back over a 12 month period or sooner. This will mean you receive less each month until it is paid off. You won't pay back more than the amount of your advance.
- Find somewhere to access the internet regularly as Universal Credit claims can only be made online.
- Set up your own email address as you can't use a friend's or relative's email address.
- Set up a bank account as payments are made monthly and can only be paid directly to your bank account. You will need a bank account that can set up Direct Debits.
- Verify your identity on GOV.UK
You will need the following information:
- An email address;
- Your national insurance number;
- Your bank account details;
- Details of any savings and earnings;
- Details of other benefits including child benefit references;
- If you are part of a couple a code will be issued allowing the other partner to enter details on their own account;
- If you are a private tenant you will need proof of rent.
- If you need help making an online claim contact the Citizens Advice Bureau on 03444 111 444.
- If you need help opening a bank account contact the East Sussex Credit Union on 0300 303 3188.
- If you need help setting up an email account or completing the online identity verification, 'IT for You' volunteers at East Sussex County Council libraries can help. You will need to book an appointment in person at the library or by calling 0345 6080196 ESCC - Computers and Internet in libraries
Universal Credit for Lewes district residents
If you claim from Lewes District Council the full roll out was 26 September 2018.
Additional support and help:
There are lots of different ways the council and other organisations can help you with your Universal Credit application.
If you have found it hard getting a bank account you can contact the East Sussex Credit Union or by phoning 0300 303 3188.
You can get online free of charge at most libraries. You can also ask the library for help with using the internet and setting up an email address by booking a session with a Computer Buddy.
East Sussex benefits helpline
For advice about benefits including how Universal Credit could affect you:
Call: 0333 344 0681
Email: benefitseastsussex@harcuk.com
Universal Credit Helpline
You can call this helpline to request an advance payment.
Call: 0345 600 0723
Text: 0345 600 0743
Lewes district Citizens Advice Bureau
Lots of useful information on their Citizens Advice Bureau website including a list of what you need before you can apply and a fact sheet on preparing for your first Universal Credit interview.
Call: 0344 411 1444
Discretionary East Sussex Support Scheme (DESSS)
Crisis support for those in need of household goods, food and other essentials. This scheme does not provide money or cash loans. Full information can be found on the DESSS website.
Call: 0300 330 9494
Universal Credit for Eastbourne residents
If you claim from Eastbourne Borough Council, the full roll out was in October 2017.
Additional support and help:
There are lots of different ways the council and other organisations can help you with your Universal Credit application.
If you have found it hard getting a bank account you can contact the East Sussex Credit Union or by phoning 0300 303 3188.
You can get online free of charge at most libraries. You can also ask the library for help with using the internet and setting up an email address by booking a session with a Computer Buddy.
East Sussex benefits helpline
For advice about benefits including how Universal Credit could affect you:
Call: 0333 344 0681
Email: benefitseastsussex@harcuk.com
Universal Credit Helpline
You can call this helpline to request an advance payment.
Call: 0345 600 0723
Text: 0345 600 0743
Eastbourne Citizens Advice Bureau
Lots of useful information on their Citizens Advice Bureau website including a list of what you need before you can apply and a fact sheet on preparing for your first Universal Credit interview.
Call: 0344 411 1444
Discretionary East Sussex Support Scheme (DESSS)
Crisis support for those in need of household goods, food and other essentials. This scheme does not provide money or cash loans. Full information can be found on the DESSS website.
Call: 0300 330 9494