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Important things to consider when planning a firework event and safely disposing of fireworks.

Fireworks are closely linked to the culture of East Sussex but they can be annoying, damage property and affect air quality. Some people and animals are frightened by their use.

Here are some things to remember when using fireworks:

  • warn your neighbours a few days before your display
  • choose fireworks to suit your location and occasion
  • use fireworks in open areas to reduce noise and pollution
  • think about when to have your display, if you are using them for a celebration try to do it on a Friday or a Saturday
  • have your display during suitable weather if it is still and misty pollution is more likely
  • be considerate if a neighbour complains
  • make sure animals are kept away from fireworks
  • safely dispose of any firework waste after your display

It is illegal to use fireworks after 11pm.

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Last modified on 31 August 2023