Eastbourne Borough Council news

Initial plan approved for Local Government Reorganisation in East Sussex
Cabinet councillors at Eastbourne Borough Council last night (March 19) agreed an interim plan on Local Government Reorganisation for submission to government.

Councillors agree £92,000 boost for community schemes
Cabinet councillors have approved grants totalling over £92,000 for a diverse range of community projects across Eastbourne that will benefit local people.

2050 vision for Eastbourne Seafront moves ahead
Cabinet councillors have approved next steps to drive forward a strategy that creates a 2050 vision for Eastbourne's iconic seafront, following an extensive public consultation.

Councillor praises 'effectiveness' of Community Safety Partnership
Cabinet councillors have welcomed achievements by the local Community Safety Partnership that have contributed to making Eastbourne a safer place to live and work over the past year.

Council takes action on problem caravan
An eyesore caravan has been removed from Upperton Gardens where it had been left for over 18 months, attracting anti-social behaviour.

Council helps students build bright careers
Students from East Sussex College Group have been getting hands-on work experience while delivering improvements for the local community, thanks to a collaboration with Eastbourne Borough Council and Mears, the council's maintenance contractor.

Tickets on sale for Mayor's glamorous Charity Ball
The Mayor of Eastbourne is inviting people to join her for a night of elegance and splendour for her Charity Ball at The Grand Hotel.

Eastbourne Bandstand: Essential works scheduled for winter 2025
Work to address age related faults and weaknesses in the upper and lower shelters at Eastbourne Bandstand will take place following the 2025 summer season - which will go ahead as planned.

Council presents Parkinson's UK with £12,500 donation
A charity that supports people affected by Parkinson's disease has been awarded £12,500 through Eastbourne Borough Council's participation in a national scheme.

Council Leader welcomes consultation on leisure services
The Leader of Eastbourne Borough Council has welcomed the decision at Full Council to undertake a public consultation on the provision of leisure services in Eastbourne, including the Sovereign Centre.

Council thanks Salvation Army for providing 'lifeline' homeless shelter
The Salvation Army has been praised for its 'outstanding work' operating a vital night shelter for rough sleepers in Eastbourne on freezing winter nights.

New parking permit proposals 'in line with other councils'
Eastbourne Borough Council has launched a consultation into a new parking permit scheme for the town that would 'bring parking arrangements in line with other councils'.