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E-billing sign-up emails have been sent to residents

If we have your email on file, you'll receive a message with your Council Tax account number and a link to sign up to e-billing. If you know your Council Tax account number, sign up for e-billing now.


CLEAR FUTURES is a collaboration between Lewes District Council, Eastbourne Borough Council, AECOM and Robertson Capital Projects.


CLEAR FUTURES is a long term partnering arrangement, originally won in competition by AECOM and Robertson and entered into with Lewes District Council and Eastbourne Borough Council. It now includes further public sector participants, and provides accessible solutions for the broader public sector.  It focusses on developing long-term solutions to sustainability challenges, and provides the opportunity to do things faster, better and cheaper by integrating services across the public and private sectors.  

CLEAR FUTURES is an outcome driven partnership that delivers real change by helping public sector bodies deliver transformative projects and services at speed. 

It is a 25/30 year OJEU compliant delivery vehicle with a £50bn threshold for the public sector in the UK that drives change through local and national supply chains, and creates sustainable social value and boosts well-being activity. 

With environmental and sustainability considerations at its core, stringent social criteria around its relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates, CLEAR FUTURES provides robust governance and strong leadership to engage with strategic partners at a local level.

To find out more, visit the CLEAR FUTURES website.

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Last modified on 04 November 2022