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You can now renew your garden waste service for collections starting 1 April 2025

Eastbourne Parking Permit Consultation

We are consulting over proposals for a new parking permit scheme for Eastbourne. Have your say by Friday 4 April 2025.

The proposed parking permit scheme would apply to off-street car parks owned by Eastbourne Brough Council.

It would replace previous parking permit schemes offered by the council, including the Leisure Card, which ended in January 2025, and the Bowls Club Permit and Seafront Permit, which will remain valid until of their expiry date.

For many years, Eastbourne Borough Council has subsidised parking for residents in Eastbourne, through the previous parking permit scheme. We still want to provide cheaper parking for residents through a parking permit scheme, but we need to do this in a more financially sustainable way. 

A new parking permit scheme for Eastbourne

We want to offer a parking permit scheme that is fair for residents and sustainable for the council's finances.

The price of the permit would be based on the cost of parking for one hour per day in one of our off-street car parks. This approach to permit pricing is widely used across local authorities and also reflects the market rates of parking in Eastbourne.

The exception to this would be the price of permits for the Beachy Head and Downland car parks, which would be offered at a discounted rate. This is due to the limited free parking and the well-known health benefits of spending time in the area. 

Have your say

We would like to know what you think about the proposals, including:

  • Your views on whether we should offer a parking permit scheme for Eastbourne
  • If you feel our approach to permit pricing is fair
  • What you think about our proposed discount and payment options
  • Your views on limiting the number of permits we issue for smaller car parks

To have your say, please complete this survey: 

Take the survey

The consultation will run until Friday 4 April 2025 at 5pm.

Alternative formats and ways to respond

You can request the consultation information in a different language or format, such as paper copy, by emailing

You can also pick up a paper copy of the survey at Eastbourne Town Hall, Town Hall, Grove Rd, Eastbourne BN21 4UG.

The survey is available to download below as a Word document.

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Last modified on 28 February 2025