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Garden waste renewals now open

You can now renew your garden waste service for collections starting 1 April 2025

Lewes District Council news

Council seeks views on air quality plan

People are being invited to have their say on a draft plan that outlines council proposals to improve air quality across Lewes district over the next four years.

North Street Quarter 'remains a once in a lifetime opportunity for community infrastructure'

Cabinet councillors have agreed to reassess how best to support the delivery of the North Street Quarter (NSQ) redevelopment, including a thorough interrogation of all available options open to the council.

'Education and training' at the heart of Charleston in Lewes

The Leader of Lewes District Council has commended the 'far-reaching and highly significant' work to put learning and student experience at the heart of Charleston in Lewes.

Councillors welcome Community Safety Partnership achievements

A Cabinet councillor has highlighted the 'crucial role' of the local Community Safety Partnership in ensuring Lewes district remains safe for people who live and work there.

Initial plan approved for Local Government Reorganisation in East Sussex

Cabinet councillors at Lewes District Council have today (March 20) agreed an interim plan on Local Government Reorganisation for submission to government, despite 'reservations' about the process.

Council launches district-wide review to target empty homes

Lewes District Council has announced a range of measures to bring empty homes back into use as part of Empty Homes Week 2025.

Statement from Lewes District Council on Havens Community Hub

We are deeply disappointed that the Havens Food Cooperative may close due to funding concerns.

Council supports blueprint for a cleaner, greener water future

Lewes District Council approved a 'pioneering' report that outlines a series of recommendations to improve water quality in the district and across the country, at its Full Council meeting last night (March 4).

Have your say to help shape home energy solutions

Lewes district residents are being invited to give their views on home improvements that could either save money on energy bills or help improve the environment.

Council project is 'great news' for tenants and the climate

A Lewes District Council project to decarbonise council homes is making a 'positive difference' as 267 properties across the district are being retrofitted to improve energy performance and reduce carbon emissions.

Council champions 'pioneering' Rights of River Charter to protect 'landmark waterway'

The principles of a Rights of River Charter that identifies fundamental rights for the River Ouse is being championed by Lewes District Council.

Council offers free workshop for budding entrepreneurs

People with a business idea are encouraged to take part in a free workshop designed to transform concepts into structured plans and give them the confidence to launch their new enterprise.

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