Ringmer Parish neighbourhood plan
We are currently importing Neighbourhood Planning documents for Ringmer Parish. You will be able to download documents for the relevant stages of the neighbourhood development plan below as soon as they are ready.
Neighbourhood Area Designation Application (Regulation 5 and 6)
Consultation referendum dates
14th June to 3rd August 2012
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan application (PDF, 1 MB)
Neighbourhood Area Designation (Regulation 7)
Decision notice dates
1st October 2012
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan decision notice (PDF, 823 KB)
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
Consultation referendum dates
6th September to 18th October 2013
No documents
Submission (Regulation 15)
Consultation referendum dates
22nd September 2014 to 3rd November 2014
Ringmer Submission Plan (PDF, 3 MB)
Publicising a Plan Proposal (Regulation 16)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix A (PDF, 1 MB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix B (PDF, 2 MB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix C (PDF, 1 MB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix D (PDF, 485 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix E (PDF, 270 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix F (PDF, 2 MB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix G (PDF, 749 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix H (PDF, 298 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix I (PDF, 384 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 2 MB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 795 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Sustainability Appraisal (PDF, 1 MB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (PDF, 174 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Habitat Regulations Screening Report (PDF, 514 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Public Notice (PDF, 206 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Summary of Representations made at Regulation 16 Consultation (PDF, 145 KB)
Publication of Examiner's Report and Decision Statement (Regulation 18)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 259 KB)
Decision Statement (PDF, 608 KB)
12th November 2015
Information Statement (PDF, 402 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Draft Plan Referendum Version (PDF, 5 MB)
Voting Information (PDF, 434 KB)
Notice of Referendum (PDF, 65 KB)
Declaration of result of poll (PDF, 54 KB)
Decision on the Plan Proposal (Regulation 19)
25th February 2016
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan decision statement (PDF, 216 KB)
Publicising a Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 20)
Ringmer Adopted Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 5 MB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix 1 (PDF, 2 MB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix 2 (PDF, 1 MB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix 3 (PDF, 2 MB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix 4 (PDF, 169 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix 5 (PDF, 100 KB)
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix 6 (PDF, 191 KB)