Conservation area appraisals - Lewes District Council
Latest news:
You can now download the new Lewes Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (CAAMP) from the South Downs National Park website.
Search and download all other Lewes District CAAMPs below.
Search results
Hamsey Offham draft Conservation Area Appraisal map (Adobe pdf documents) (Offham) Conservation Area - Townscape Appraisal Map
Chailey St Georges Conservation Area Appraisal (Adobe pdf documents) St Georges Conservation Area Appraisal Chailey (St George’s) Conservation Area Appraisal Date of Designation: 14.06.1995 Reviewed 2006 CONTENTS 1. INTRO...
Denton Conservation Area Appraisal (Adobe pdf documents) Conservation Area Appraisal CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL DENTON DESIGNATED 17.6.92 DENTON CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL 1 SUMMARY 1.1 Key Positive Character...
Denton Conservation Area Appraisal map (Adobe pdf documents) F Reproduced from Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown CopyrightReserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Co...
Ditchling Map page Area 2.1 (Adobe pdf documents) boundary Article 4 boundary Listed buildings Positive buildings Locally listed buildings Historic street surfaces Important open spaces Significant tree Foca...
Ditchling Map page Area 3 (Adobe pdf documents) A bo un da ry A rt ic le 4 bo un da ry Li st ed bu ild in gs Po si tiv e bu ild in gs Lo ca lly lis te d bu ild in gs H is to ri c st re et su rf
Ditchling Map page Area 1 (Adobe pdf documents) boundary Article 4 boundary Listed buildings Positive buildings Locally listed buildings Historic street surfaces Significant tree Significant tree groups Fo...
Ditchling Map page Area 2.2 (Adobe pdf documents) boundary Listed buildings Positive buildings Locally listed buildings Important open spaces Significant tree Significant tree groups Focal buildings Importan...
Ditchling Map page Area 4 (Adobe pdf documents) A bo un da ry A rt ic le 4 bo un da ry Li st ed bu ild in gs Po si tiv e bu ild in gs H is to ri c st re et su rf ac es Im po rt an t op en sp
Ditchling Map page Area 5 (Adobe pdf documents) boundary Proposed CA boundary Positive buildings SCALE 1:1250 REPRODUCED FROM ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPPING WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE CONTROLLER OF HMSO. CROWN CO...