Street collection licences
If you want to carry out a charitable collection on any street in Eastbourne or the Lewes district you must apply to us for a licence.
There is no fee to apply.
Street collection licences in the Lewes district
Who should apply
A licence is required if you wish to make a collection for charity in the Lewes district by:
- street collections
- house to house collection
At least 28 days notice is required of the proposed collection. We try to ensure only one organisation is authorised to carry out a collection in any given area over a set period.
However, we have no official powers to restrict charitable organisations that wish to carry out collections under their Home Office Exemption Certificate, even if these collections may clash with a Local Authority permitted collection.
Application process
We work in partnership with
On receipt of a satisfactory application, we will allocate the dates subject to availability and issue a permit. This will be sent to you, together with a copy of the regulations and other paperwork.
Further information
The return form should be sent back to us within one month from the date of the collection.
Street collection licences in Eastbourne
The deadline for applying for a street collection licence in Eastbourne in the following year, is 1 December. We will not normally consider any further applications for the year after this date, but for late applications some dates may still available.
An application usually takes around two weeks.
Before starting your application it is essential to:
- download and read the guidance notes below
- check the collections calendar for available dates
Street collection regulations for Eastbourne Borough Council (PDF, 115 KB)
Street collection calendar for Eastbourne Borough Council (PDF, 98 KB)