Report needles and drug waste in a public place
If you find needles and drug waste in a public place in Eastbourne or the Lewes district, you can report it to us using the online form below.
In public places
If you see drug waste in public places report it to us. We pick up reports from Monday to Friday and aim to clear any waste within two working days. We will clear any:
- needles
- syringes
- pipes
- other drug equipment
Nitrous oxide cannisters can be reported as normal litter or you can clear these yourself if you're able to.
In flats, houses or gardens
We do not remove needles from houses or flats, unless they are council properties. To report drug waste in a council property contact our housing team.
If you rent and you see drug waste on your property, you should speak to your landlord.
At a school or nursery
If you see needles or other drug related items on a school premises let the school know immediately.
Data Protection
For information and your rights on how the councils use your personal information, please visit our Privacy notice.