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Old Malling Farm Potential Site Allocation Viability Assessment Appendices (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3388/Old-Malling-Farm-Potential-Site-Allocation-Viability-Assessment-Appendices/pdf/Old_Malling_Farm_Potential_Site_Allocation_Viability_Assessment_Appendices.pdf?m=1690549693720SDNPA - Old Malling Farm Potential Site Allocation Viability Assessment - Appendix 1 South Downs National Park Authority D|S|P Planning & Development Viability ...
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix A (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3382/Ringmer-Neighbourhood-Plan-Appendix-A/pdf/Ringmer_Neighbourhood_Plan_Appendix_A.pdf?m=1690549694897Ringmer to 2030 - Appendix A 1 “Ringmer to 2030” Appendix A Appendix A summarises the evidence collected by the Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, upon ...
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix B (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3381/Ringmer-Neighbourhood-Plan-Appendix-B/pdf/Ringmer_Neighbourhood_Plan_Appendix_B.pdf?m=1690549695103Ringmer to 2030 - Appendix B - Listed Buildings in Ringmer Parish 1 “Ringmer to 2030” Appendix B Ringmer heritage buildings meeting English Heritage criteria fo...
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix C (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3380/Ringmer-Neighbourhood-Plan-Appendix-C/pdf/Ringmer_Neighbourhood_Plan_Appendix_C.pdf?m=1690549695367Ringmer to 2030 Appendix C 1 “Ringmer to 2030” Appendix C Major employment sites in Ringmer parish Site EMP1: Ringmer Core Retail Area Location: within the Ring...
Public Notice of JCS Resumed Hearings (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3383/Public-Notice-of-JCS-Resumed-Hearings/pdf/Public_Notice_of_JCS_Resumed_Hearings.pdf?m=1690549694717Notice of Resumed Hearings to examine the Proposed Modifications to the Plan Lewes District Local Plan Part 1 – Joint Core Strategy Notice of Resumed Hearings t...
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix D (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3379/Ringmer-Neighbourhood-Plan-Appendix-D/pdf/Ringmer_Neighbourhood_Plan_Appendix_D.pdf?m=1690549695570Download Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix D in PDF format Proposed modifications 2015
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix F (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3377/Ringmer-Neighbourhood-Plan-Appendix-F/pdf/Ringmer_Neighbourhood_Plan_Appendix_F.pdf?m=1690549696330Ringmer to 2030 Appendix F Housing Sites Allocated for Development 1 Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan, Appendix F August 2014 “Ringmer to 2030” Appendix F Housing sit...
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix G (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3376/Ringmer-Neighbourhood-Plan-Appendix-G/pdf/Ringmer_Neighbourhood_Plan_Appendix_G.pdf?m=1690549696633Ringmer to 2030 - Appendix G - Assessment of Ringmer Sites in the 2011 and 2012 Lewes District SHLAA 1 “Ringmer to 2030” Appendix G Assessment of Ringmer sites ...
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix H (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3375/Ringmer-Neighbourhood-Plan-Appendix-H/pdf/Ringmer_Neighbourhood_Plan_Appendix_H.pdf?m=1690549697083Appendix H Register of Community Assets in Ringmer Parish Appendix H: Register of Community Assets in Ringmer parish ASSET LOCATION OCCUPIER OWNER NOTES Managed...
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix E (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3378/Ringmer-Neighbourhood-Plan-Appendix-E/pdf/Ringmer_Neighbourhood_Plan_Appendix_E.pdf?m=1690549695997Ringmer to 2030 - Appendix E - A new category of affordable housing for Ringmer “Ringmer to 2030” Appendix E A new category of affordable housing for Ringmer Th...
Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan Appendix I (Adobe pdf documents)
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/3374/Ringmer-Neighbourhood-Plan-Appendix-I/pdf/Ringmer_Neighbourhood_Plan_Appendix_I.pdf?m=1690549697560Ringmer to 2030 - Appendix I 1 “Ringmer to 2030” Appendix I Development briefs for allocated sites Policy 10.10 states that Development Briefs will be prepared ...