A-Z of licensing
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Minor variations on a premises licence or club premises certificate
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1918/Minor-variations-on-a-premises-licence-or-club-premises-certificateApply for a minor variation to a premises licence and find out further information on eligibility and standards.
Minor variations on a premises licence or club premises certificate - Eastbourne Borough Council
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/minor-var-ebcThis is an online application for Eastbourne Borough Council only. Fee The fee for making an application for a minor variation to your premises licence is £89...
Minor variations on a premises licence or club premises certificate - Lewes District Council
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1919/Minor-variations-on-a-premises-licence-or-club-premises-certificate-Lewes-District-CouncilFee The fee for making an application for a minor variation to your premises licence is £89. How to apply We advise all applicants to read our , the and any gu...
New taxi driver licence - Eastbourne Borough Council
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/new-taxi-driver-ebcGuidance and application documents for a new taxi driver licence from Eastbourne Borough Council
New taxi driver licence - Lewes District Council
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/new-taxi-driver-ldcGuidance and application documents for a new taxi driver licence from Lewes District Council
Pavement licences
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/pavement-licenceYou can apply for a pavement licence for your business in Eastbourne or the Lewes district. The licence will allow you to place tables and chairs outside your p...
Pay a licensing fee
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/pay-a-licensing-feeUse our online form to make licensing fee payments on an application you have already submitted.
Pedestrian Precincts
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/pedestrian-precinctsLicences are granted to use pedestrian precincts in the district for temporary events and collections. We set out conditions before granting permission.
Pedestrian precincts in Eastbourne
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/pedestrian-precincts-ebcHow to apply for a pedestrian precinct permit in Eastbourne
Pedestrian precincts in the Lewes district
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/pedestrian-precincts-ldcGuidance and permits required for pedestrian precincts in the Lewes district