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Eastbourne Local Plan 2019-2039

A new Local Plan for Eastbourne is currently in preparation.

This new Plan will look ahead to 2039 and will be the key planning document that will shape, plan and manage growth, regeneration and development across the Borough, based on a vision of what we want Eastbourne to be like in 20 years' time.

Eastbourne Borough includes the Downland within the South Downs National Park that stretches from the town to the outskirts of East Dean in Wealden District; however as the South Downs National Park Authority is the local planning authority for the whole of the South Downs, Eastbourne Borough Council's Local Plan will only apply to the area of the Borough that is outside of the National Park. 

We will be working closely with the South Downs National Park Authority to ensure the functional links and importance of the Eastbourne Downland to the identity of Eastbourne is well recognised within the new Local Plan.

Whilst development can be controversial, it does provide the homes, jobs and other services and facilities that will be needed for future generations. This growth is required to help Eastbourne evolve in response to changing circumstances.

As part of this preparation, the local community and other stakeholders are asked for their views on what the Eastbourne Local Plan should contain.

Growth Strategy consultation

The public consultation on the 'Growth Strategy', set out the level of housing and employment growth that could be accommodated in Eastbourne over the period to 2039 and where it might be located. This consultation ended in January 2023, a copy of the consultation document is available to download below.

Issues and Options consultation

The public consultation on the first stage of preparing the new Local Plan ended in January 2020. You can still download the Issues and Options document below.

Evidence documents 

Evidence documents which will inform the preparation of the Local Plan are published below when completed.

Visit the Land Availability Assessment (LAA) page to view the LAA or for information on submitting a site for consideration in the Eastbourne LAA.

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Last modified on 28 January 2025