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Consultation on new system for housing allocations

Cabinet councillors at Eastbourne Borough Council have agreed to launch a consultation on proposals for a new approach to how council homes are allocated to residents on the housing register.

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The current Choice Based Lettings (CBL) system involves people bidding for a property when it becomes available.  The bidding process takes two weeks from start to finish before applicants can be shortlisted.  However, for many years demand has far exceeded supply, with as many as four times the number of applicants on the register as there are annual lettings of properties. Many applicants spend years on the waiting list with little or no realistic prospect of an offer.

The CBL model also causes significant delays and administrative burdens for staff, with minimal evidence that it encourages applicants to broaden their areas of choice or improve their chances of being re-housed in council accommodation. In response, an independent review has recommended that the council develop a new policy.

Councillor Peter Diplock, Cabinet Member for Housing, said:

"I'm sure most people are aware that we have families on the housing register who wait far too long for a home.

"Property Match is designed to expedite the process and while not a complete solution to the deeply ingrained issues affecting social housing availability, we believe it represents a significant improvement."

Property Match removes the bidding process and instead, empty properties are immediately offered to the best suited families and individuals on the housing register.  If adopted, applicants would continue to be prioritised into bands, with a registration date, as they are in the current CBL system.

The main difference is that it would no longer be necessary for people to place 'bids' online and wait to the end of a bidding cycle to see if they have been successful, meaning the whole process is sped up, which also reduces the amount of time it takes for a property to be re-let.

Councillor Diplock added:

"By helping match families to the right homes, we can ensure greater speed, clarity and better customer service for people waiting for somewhere to live. Property Match also allows applicants to state their location preferences and reject up to two offers without it affecting their standing on the register."

For more information about how to take part in the consultation, please visit

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Last modified on 13 February 2025