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E-billing sign-up emails have been sent to residents

If we have your email on file, you'll receive a message with your Council Tax account number and a link to sign up to e-billing. If you know your Council Tax account number, sign up for e-billing now.

Pay your Eastbourne BID invoice

Pay by BACS

Our bank details for Eastbourne Borough Council are:

Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-80-12
Account: 10712168

You must include your BID invoice number against the payment.

Pay by post

Please send your cheque to: Customer First, Town Hall, Grove Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4UG.

Cheques should be made payable to Eastbourne Borough Council. Please ensure that you quote your BID invoice number on the reverse. Post-dated cheques are not accepted.

Do not send cash through the post. We do not issue receipts.

Further information about Business Improvement Districts (BID)

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