Open Data
The councils are committed to being open and transparent about how we work and will provide information about how we manage our business and finances.
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Search results
2023-24 Quarter 3 EBC Purchase Orders Over £5000.00 (Excel spreadsheet files) 2023-24 Quarter 3 EBC Purchase Orders over £5000 in Excel format Eastbourne
2023-24 Quarter 3 LDC Purchase Orders Over £5000.00 (Excel spreadsheet files) 2023-24 Quarter 3 LDC Purchase Orders over £5000 in Excel format Lewes district
Supplier Spending over £500 - Q2 2023-24 Lewes District Council (Comma Separated Values) Supplier Spending over £500 - Q2 2023-24 Lewes District Council in CSV format Lewes district
Supplier Spending over £500 - Q2 2023-24 Lewes District Council (Adobe pdf documents) Name Body Organisational Unit CIPFA Detailed ExpenditureD aTtyepe Transaction NumbNeert Amount Supplier Name Supplier_ID Ledger_Code Lewes District Council...
LDC Payment Performance 2022-24 (Adobe pdf documents) District Council Public Contracts Regulations – Payment Performance Data Under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (Regulation 113) Councils are required...
EBC Payment Performance 2022-24 (Adobe pdf documents) Borough Council Public Contracts Regulations – Payment Performance Data Under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (Regulation 113) Councils are requ...
2023-24 Quarter 2 EBC Purchase Orders Over £5000.00 (Excel spreadsheet files) 2023-24 Quarter 2 EBC Purchase Orders over £5000 in Excel format Eastbourne
2023-24 Quarter 2 LDC Purchase Orders Over £5000.00 (Excel spreadsheet files) 2023-24 Quarter 2 LDC Purchase Orders over £5000 in Excel format Lewes district
Supplier Spending over £500 - Q1 2023-24 Eastbourne Borough Council (Comma Separated Values) Supplier Spending over £500 - Q1 2023-24 Eastbourne Borough Council in CSV format Eastbourne
Supplier Spending over £500 - Q1 2023-24 Lewes District Council (Comma Separated Values) Supplier Spending over £500 - Q1 2023-24 Lewes District Council in CSV format Lewes district
Supplier Spending over £500 - Q1 2023-24 Eastbourne Borough Council (Adobe pdf documents) Name Body Service Label Service CodeOrganisational Unit CIPFA Detailed ExpendituDraet eType Transaction NumbeNret Amount Supplier Name Supplier_ID Ledger_C...
Supplier Spending over £500 - Q1 2023-24 Lewes District Council (Adobe pdf documents) Name Body Organisational Unit CIPFA Detailed ExpenditDuarete Type Transaction NumbNeert Amount Supplier Name Supplier_ID Ledger_Code Lewes District Council...
EBC Social Housing Asset Data 2023 (Excel spreadsheet files) Social Housing Asset Data in Excel Format Eastbourne
Lewes Social Housing Asset Data 2023 (Excel spreadsheet files) Lewes Social Housing Asset Data in Excel Format Lewes district
Lewes Social Housing Asset Data 2022 (Excel spreadsheet files) Lewes Social Housing Asset Data in Excel Format Lewes district
Lewes Social Housing Asset Data 2021 (Excel spreadsheet files) Lewes Social Housing Asset Data in Excel Format Lewes district
Annual Governance Statement 2022-23 Lewes District Council (Adobe pdf documents) Governance Statement Responsibility Lewes District Council is responsible for ensuring that its business is conducted in accordance with the law and prop...
Eastbourne Annual Governance Statement 2022-23 (Adobe pdf documents) Annual Governance Statement Responsibility Eastbourne Borough Council is responsible for ensuring that its business is conducted in accordance with t...
Note to the Eastbourne Annual Governance Statement (and amendment) 2020-21 (Adobe pdf documents) to the Annual Governance Statement 2020-21 NOTE TO THE ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 2020-21 An error was noted in the Annual Governance Statement for 2020-2...
Eastbourne Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 (Adobe pdf documents) Governance Statement 2021-22 Annual Governance Statement Responsibility Eastbourne Borough Council is responsible for ensuring that its business is condu...