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Health and age guidance for piercing, tattooing and electrolysis

The health of the client and the suitability of the treatment must always be discussed before any treatments starts.

Age concern guidance

Although some piercing salons might impose their own age restrictions, there is no law to say how old you have to be before you can have ears or other body parts pierced. Those under 16 can give consent on their own provided they have been given sufficient information and the practitioner concludes they are mature enough to understand the implications of their request.

The guidance we give to our operators is that if they suspect a client of being under 16 they should ask to see photo ID or request that a parent or guardian be present. Nipple and genital piercing is prohibited on minors, regardless of parental consent.

Further guidance

Further guidance is available on Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website:

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Last modified on 14 June 2024