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E-billing sign-up emails have been sent to residents

If we have your email on file, you'll receive a message with your Council Tax account number and a link to sign up to e-billing. If you know your Council Tax account number, sign up for e-billing now.


Information and advice to help manage your flood risk

Check whether your home or place of work is at risk of flooding on the flood warnings and alerts live look-up service.

To request the flooding history of the land around a property email The Environment Agency at Please include your contact details, property address if possible and a map extract showing the location of the property.

Flood warnings

Sign up for flood warnings by phone, email or text message if your home or business is at risk of flooding at GOV.UK.

For severe weather warnings check the Met Office or Met Office on Twitter

Protecting your home or business against flooding

If your home or business is at risk of flooding it is recommended to make a flood plan. Find out more at Prepare for flooding on

Protecting your property on the National Flood Forum gives six steps to reduce the risk of flooding and your ability to respond if there is a flood.

This guide for householders gives advice on flood risk reduction products available: Householders guide to property flood resilience

East Sussex roads, transport and services

Information about the status of East Sussex roads, transport and services during flooding, including Twitter and Facebook feeds is available from East Sussex County Council (ESCC)'s getting alerts about disruption to county council services.

Emergency flood plans

Read emergency plans for East Sussex on East Sussex County Council (ESCC)'s website.

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Last modified on 07 March 2024