Consultations to improve services and the environment in the Lewes district and Eastbourne community
This page covers services for both councils. If you have chosen to access information from your own council only, selecting one of the services below will take you to information for that council.
Closed: Study into the need for tourist accommodation in Eastbourne
Tomorrow's Tourism carried out a study to find out what the demand is for tourist accommodation in Eastbourne now and into the future. Local business and organisations that with an interest in the visitor economy in the town were invited to contribute to the study by completing an online survey by 30 April 2024.
Closed: Consultation on Eastbourne Borough Council's Statement of Licensing Policy 2024-2029
Eastbourne Borough Council is inviting feedback from businesses, residents, partner organisations and other stakeholders over its draft Statement of Licensing Policy 2024-2029. The consultation will run from Monday 22 January to Monday 4 March 2024.
Closed: Have your say on how council housing services are managed in Eastbourne
From 4 December 2023 to 16 February 2024 we carried out a consultation over a proposal to bring the governance of Eastbourne Borough Council's housing services back into the council and the future of the EHL Board and Residents Voice.
Closed: Have your say on future development in Lewes district
This consultation is about gathering your views, and evidence the sites and our suggested policies, which together will form the spatial strategy and policies. The draft Local Plan, when published in spring 2024 will then set out the policies and framework for new homes, employment space and community facilities.
Closed: Consultation on the Eastbourne Borough Council Corporate Plan 2024-28
This consultation has now closed and a summary of responses will be published on the page soon.
Closed: Consultation on Lewes District Council's priorities for the next four years
This consultation has now closed. From Thursday 30 November to Sunday 31 December 2023, Lewes District Council carried out a public consultation over its draft corporate plan, 'Re-imagining Lewes District - Delivering the Vision - 2024 to 2028'.