47 Rodmill Drive Eastbourne BN21 2SW
Address | 47 Rodmill Drive Eastbourne BN21 2SW |
Issuing authority | Eastbourne Borough Council |
Notice type | Enforcement notice |
Date notice issued | 02 November 2016 |
Date notice served | 02 November 2016 |
Date notice effective | |
Compliance due by | |
The breach of planning control or condition, or activity prohibited by a Stop Notice | This Notice is served principally for the detrimental effect it is having on the property and the wider area. These effects are summarised in the following points: • The structure is highly visible from the highway and the surrounding area • The change from garden to raised parking area significantly affects the character of the host property as well as that of the street scene • Negative impact on outlook from the host property and 45 Rodmill Drive • Intrusive and unneighbourly development Furthermore, a similar scheme was submitted to and refused planning permission by Eastbourne Borough Council in 2010, having been found discordant with Policy HO20 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy and UHT1 of the Borough Plan Saved Policies. This decision was appealed by the applicant and the appeal subsequently dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate in 2011 and the proposal was found discordant with both of the aforementioned policies. |
Requirements of the notice | The works must be demolished, all waste material removed from the site and the garden returned to its former appearance and ground level. |
Period for compliance | |
Appeal grounds | |
Date appeal lodged | |
Date appeal decided (notice effective) | |
Date appeal withdrawn | |
Outcome of appeal | |
Date notice compliance required on or before | |
Statement of the requirements of the notice as Varied | |
Date notice was complied with | |
Date notice withdrawn |
Planning enforcement order cases
Case | There is no planning enforcement order case for this address |
Applying authority | |
Court | |
Date of order | |
Start date of enforcement year | |
End date of enforcement year | |
Details of any postponement | |
Date of final determination or withdrawal of action | |
The apparent breach of planning control identified in the order | |
Location of breach of enforcement notice or breach of condition notice in Register |
Last modified on 20 July 2023