Lewes District Local Plan Part 2: Site allocations and development management policies
The adopted Lewes District core strategy forms Part 1 of the Local Plan.
The Local Plan Part 2 allocates land for housing, including Gypsy and traveller pitches, and employment. It also sets out detailed planning policies to guide development and change in the period to 2030. The Local Plan Part 2 was adopted on 24 February 2020 and now forms part of the development plan for that part of Lewes district outside of the South Downs National Park.
You can download the Adoption Statement, the Local Plan Part 2, the Local Plan Policies Map, the Strategic Environmental Assessment Adoption Statement, the Sustainability Appraisal, and the Habitats Regulations Assessment below.
The Inspector's report on the Public Examination into Local Plan Part 2 is available to download from the Local Plan Part 2 Examination page.
Downloading documents
For optimum speed and display, we recommend using the Google Chrome browser to download and view the following documents.
Adopted Local Plan Part 2 Documents 2020
Modifications Cabinet documents 2019 - closed
Pre-submission Full Council documents 2018 - closed
Pre-submission Cabinet documents 2018 - closed
Consultation draft document 2017 - closed
Issues and options topic papers - closed