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E-billing sign-up emails have been sent to residents

If we have your email on file, you'll receive a message with your Council Tax account number and a link to sign up to e-billing. If you know your Council Tax account number, sign up for e-billing now.

The councils' service delivery brands

You may have seen information from Lewes District Council or Eastbourne Borough Council with the logos of one of our service delivery brands on. These brands represent most of the external services the councils provide, divided by service area. Each logo uses specific colours and we have started using these colours on the pages of this website to help you know which service area the page relates to.

First Delivery Brand Logos
Lewes and Eastbourne councils' suite of 'First' logos

What services come under each brand?

Customer First - customer contact, council tax, housing benefits, planning, licensing.

Neighbourhood First - this team works out in the community dealing with issues such as fly-tipping, anti-social behaviour, littering, graffiti, playground maintenance, fixing public toilets and community engagement.

Homes First - all housing and housing tenant related services such as housing options, homelessness, tenancy management, property maintenance, tenant participation.

Environment First - waste and recycling services, street cleansing, emptying street bins, bring sites.

If you need to contact the council, the quickest way to do so is via our:

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Last modified on 13 April 2023