Authority Monitoring Report
The Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) provides a snapshot of planning performance.
Lewes Authority Monitoring Report
Produced for the Lewes District Core Strategy: Local Plan Part 1, it contains a number of policy targets and indicators, reflecting key policy areas such as:
- housing development
- business development
- transport
- employment
- sustainability
- biodiversity and renewable energy
The AMR is a key tool for assessing the delivery of both the Core Strategy's vision and objectives and the performance of the Core policies.
Eastbourne Authority Monitoring Report
Produced for the Eastbourne Core Strategy, it contains a number of policy targets and indicators, reflecting key policy areas such as:
- housing development
- business development
- transport
- employment
- sustainability
- biodiversity and renewable energy
The AMR is a key tool for assessing the delivery of both the Core Strategy's vision and objectives and the performance of the Core policies.