Eastbourne council redecoration scheme
Resident's Choice
If your block is due to have repairs and re-decorations carried out this year then you may have recently received a survey asking you to provide your preferred choice for certain items from a range of options.
- internal wall paints
- internal vinyl sheeting floorings
- internal carpet tile floorings
You will need to complete the section at the bottom of your paper survey that shows the options available and return to Eastbourne Homes by the due date.
Resident Involvement Procedure
Where Eastbourne Homes Limited proposes to carry out major works to your block, a document called the 'Resident Involvement Procedure' will now be introduced. Further details will be provided on this procedure, and the plans included, at the time any works are proposed.
Block repair and redecoration programme
Leaseholders will now receive detailed scopes of work along with the usual annual service charge estimates in the year that the works are anticipated. The Section 20 procedure (as required under the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985) remains unaltered and you can expect notices when works are due. These notices will give specific detail of both the works and the anticipated costs. It is at this stage that you can give your observations on the proposals. We have embarked on a programme to ensure that regular repairs and renewals are carried out to all flatted blocks on a 7 year cycle.
There are two reasons for this:
- Firstly, it is more satisfactory and cost effective to plan repairs and renewals rather than reacting when things break down or go wrong. Regular repair and redecoration is proven to extend the life of building elements
- Secondly, a regularly repaired and redecorated property encourages a sense of pride and care among residents
The block repair and redecoration programme will address all main external and communal parts of the property but not the flats themselves. An assessment will be made on what repairs are necessary or imminent based on a set brief agreed for this programme.