Tenants contents insurance

As a tenant of the council, our insurance covers the structure of your home but not what's inside such as your furniture and personal belongings.
Replacing the contents of your home could prove very expensive. We therefore strongly recommend that you get your personal belongings insured against events including:
- Accidental damage
- Fire
- Theft
- Flooding/escape of water
Homes First have teamed up with Aviva, the UK's largest insurer, to provide a home contents insurance scheme. This is available for all Lewes District Council and Eastbourne Homes Ltd/Eastbourne Borough Council tenants and leaseholders. The package offers a policy with exclusive rates and a range of optional extras, there is no excess to pay if you need to make a claim and you can pay monthly by direct debit. The optional extras that you can cover are: Accidental Damage, Personal Belongings, Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters and Hearing Aids.
Apply online via the link below or download the application form at the end of this page.
Apply for Homes First Insurance
Acceptance restrictions may apply for conviction and claims experience.
Terms and conditions apply, contact above.
The policy is underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited, arranged by Aon UK Ltd and administered by Wessex Administration Services Limited who are all authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. You must review the Important Notice and Declaration in the application pack before calling to apply. FP.TCI.2024.258.GG