Closed: Consultation on Lewes District Council's priorities for the next four years
From Thursday 30 November to Sunday 31 December 2023, Lewes District Council carried out a public consultation over its draft corporate plan, 'Re-imagining Lewes District - Delivering the Vision - 2024 to 2028'. This consultation has now closed.
Please note, in addition to below we are also consulting over the Lewes District Local Plan: Spatial Strategy and Policy Direction until Monday 19 February 2024, which is a separate consultation.
In November and December 2023 we invited comments and feedback on the proposed priorities of the draft corporate plan from residents, businesses, partners and other stakeholders. We also asked respondents if they had any suggestions for additions to the plan.

To help make sure our plan focusses on the things that matter most to local people, partners and businesses we wanted to know what people thought of our draft plan.
Our draft plan focuses on:
- Delivering high quality, responsive services to local people
- Continuing to support local people through challenging times
- Providing leadership to the district in tackling the climate and nature emergency
- Creating sustainable community wealth
- Building genuinely affordable homes
We also asked about the section on how the council proposes to work with people and partners.
Download the draft plan: Re-imagining Lewes District - Delivering the Vision - 2024 to 2028 (PDF, 5 MB)
We provided an online survey which took respondents through each section of the plan. We also offered to provide this information in different languages and formats, including hard copy.
Download the consultation report: LDC Corporate Plan consultation report - January 2024 (PDF, 178 KB)