Apply for an animal welfare licence
Use this form to apply for, or renew an animal welfare licence online. This includes the former pet shop, dog breeding, animal boarding and riding establishment licences.
It does not include zoo licence or dangerous and wild animal licence applications.
What do I need for completing the form?
You must read our licence guidelines before making your application. This also provides details of the recent changes to animal welfare licensing and our fees.
- You will need to upload documents as part of this form
- This form will take a payment for your application, so have your card details handy
- If you are renewing your licence, you will need your existing licence number
This form is currently unavailable whilst we move services across to our new website. If you need to make this application (or renewal, registration and so on) urgently, please send us a message at We apologise for the inconvenience.
Data Protection
For information and your rights on how the councils use your personal information, please visit our Privacy notice.