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BBQs - Disposable

Important: Disposable BBQs are fire hazards and may cause burns to yourself and our collection crew and could start fires in your bin and collection vehicles. Disposable BBQs should not be used on beaches/stones because the stones take on the heat of the BBQ and this could cause burns even after the BBQ has been removed. 


Take pre-cooked hot food in reusable secure tubs instead


No, absolutely not

Recycle - in your household recycling bin

No, disposable BBQs cannot be recycled 

Refuse bin

Yes, only if completely cooled. 

Important: Disposable BBQs are fire hazards and may cause burns to yourself and our collection crew and could start fires in your bin and collection vehicles.

You must ensure the BBQ is completely cold before putting into your refuse bin. Ash and embers can still be very hot even if they appear unlit, so take extra care to ensure the BBQ is cold.

Other information

Disposable barbecue safety East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service

Countryside Code top tips - leave barbecues at home Countryside Code

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Last modified on 06 January 2025