Get involved in your neighbourhood
The information below outlines the ways to get involved in your community.
Get involved in your neighbourhood in Lewes
Tenant and Resident Associations (TRAs) are groups who work with their community and local agencies to achieve shared goals. There are several TRAs operating in the Lewes District that you can join, or we can help you set up your own.
Find out more:
Report It (Love Clean Streets) smartphone app is the quickest and easiest way to report environmental problems to the councils when you are out and about. In just a few taps you can report the problem, give the location and include a photo. Your report then goes straight through to the right team to deal with the issue.
The Tenants Organisation of Lewes District (TOLD) committee oversees an annual budget of £20,000 for community improvements. Lewes District Council tenants can apply to the fund to make improvements to Council owned communal spaces and facilities. Funds can also be used to support projects that benefit local communities or initiatives that promote tenant involvement.
If you have an idea in mind, we suggest that you;
- Check with your neighbours to make sure they support your idea
- Discuss your idea with your local tenant and resident association if you have one
- Talk to your local Senior Caseworker (Housing Officer) or your Retirement Housing Advisor if you live in retirement housing.
General needs housing applications are considered by TOLD (Tenants of Lewes District) at their quarterly committee meetings. Applications for retirement housing are considered by the Retirement Housing Forum
To find out more or be sent an application form, simply email
If you live in one of our retirement housing schemes you can take part in regular meetings with housing staff. When circumstances allow, these meetings are held in the communal lounge, or at the nearest meeting venue to you. The meetings talk about any issues that affect your scheme and sometimes include a "walkabout" of the scheme with your Retirement Housing Advisor to point out any areas of concern.
To help you get involved we pay your costs, offer training, and provide access to services and assistance from Tenant Participation staff. Grants can be given to tenants and residents associations that hold a bank account. The grant is to cover running expenses such as
- stationery
- phone calls
- refreshments for meetings
- venue hire
If you would like to apply for a grant on behalf of your TRA please contact us.
Get involved in your neighbourhood in Eastbourne
Area panels are made up of local residents who meet on a monthly basis to discuss housing issues with the aim of improving the services that Homes First provide to the area you live in. They also play an important role in shaping and developing the area by allocating a community improvement budget to fund projects, enhance the local environment, and by running community events such as Christmas Fayres. The area panels can also help residents of Homes First with their problems or concerns in complete confidence.
The area panels are always looking for new members so if you would like to know more, please contact
The Old Town Area Panel was formed in June 2006.
Old Town Area Panel meetings:
Due to the retirement of key members, the Old Town area panel has stopped meeting whilst recruitment of new members is completed. Their community funding allocation is currently being managed by the other panels.
- Chair person: vacant
For all enquiries please email:
Langney Area Panel has been up and running since November 2006.
Langney Area Panel meetings (outside of lockdown)
- When: Last Thursday of the month, 6pm to 8pm.
- Where: Langney Village Hall, Etchingham Road, Langney (behind the Martello Pub).
- Chair person: Peter Wathan
For all enquiries please email:
The Hampden Park and Willingdon Trees Area Panel was formed in January 2007 and has its own budget delegated through Eastbourne Homes.
Hampden Park and Willingdon Trees Area Panel meetings:
- When: First Friday of each month, 10am to 12pm.
- Where: Hampden Park Community Centre, Brodrick Road.
- Chair person: Andy Evans
For all enquiries please email:
The Central and Archery Area Panel was formed in January 2007 and has its own budget delegated through Eastbourne Homes.
Central and Archery Area Panel meetings: (outside of lockdown)
- When: last Tuesday of every month - 1pm to 3pm
- Where: New Derby House, 506 Seaside, Eastbourne, BN23 6NP
- Chair: Terry Smart
For all enquiries please email: