Play streets or street parties
VE Day street party road closure
How to apply to turn your street into an occasional play street in the Lewes district or apply for street party consent in Eastbourne.
The Playing Out website has general information about play streets.
Play streets or street parties in Lewes district
Play streets
We are inviting applications from residents who want to turn their street into an occasional play street. This allows children to play freely for a few hours on their own street without fear of traffic. Please refer to the play streets consultation and guidance document at the bottom of the page.
Parents and neighbours can apply for a single temporary road closure, or several at one time.
Applicants should consult with all homes and businesses affected by the planned closure. You have to demonstrate to us by collecting signatures that at least sixty percent of these agree to the road being closed for up to three hours during daylight hours on the occasional dates planned.
Parents should be available to supervise the play and ensure the road is closed off to vehicles, with suitable signs. Residents should continue to be allowed to have access to park in existing bays.
Apply for a street closure in the Lewes district:
Play streets or street parties in Eastbourne
Apply for street party consent
Street parties and fetes are a traditional part of community life - they are a simple way for you to get to know your neighbours and meet members of our community.
Along with its partners, we are keen to support small scale street parties in Eastbourne, to foster community spirit and cohesion, as well as ensuring that they are fun and easy to organise!
- There is no fee to apply. However, if there will be public entertainment, sale of alcohol or sale of food after 11pm, you must also apply for a Temporary Event Notice, at a fee of £21.00
- An application usually takes around 6 weeks
- It is essential to download and read the guidance notes before starting your application