Statement of Community Involvement
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets the standard and approach we take to involve stakeholders and the community in consulting on planning matters.
This includes the handling of major planning applications. It is intended to 'signpost' opportunities for anyone who wishes to make a contribution to planning for our future.
Lewes Statement of Community Involvement
Lewes District Council adopted the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) on 20 July 2020. The document sets out how and when the council will provide opportunities for the community to contribute to the planning process, including local plan preparation and the consideration of planning applications. It is split into four main sections as follows:
- Overview of the planning system
- Plan making
- Neighbourhood planning
- Development management
You can download the documents relating to the Lewes District Council SCI below.
Lewes Statement of Community Involvement 2020 (PDF, 1 MB)
Lewes Adoption Statement 2020 (PDF, 81 KB)
SCI Fact sheet Lewes - Community Involvement in Development Management (PDF, 219 KB)
SCI Fact sheet Lewes - Community Involvement in Neighbourhood Planning (PDF, 245 KB)
SCI Fact sheet Lewes - Community Involvement in Plan Making (PDF, 206 KB)
Eastbourne Statement of Community Involvement
We published a review of the Eastbourne SCI for consultation with the local community and other interested parties. The consultation was undertaken between Friday 26th October and Friday 21st December 2018.
You can download the documents relating to the Eastbourne Borough Council SCI below.
Eastbourne Statement of Community Involvement - Adopted Feb 2019 (PDF, 917 KB)
Eastbourne Statement of Community Involvement - Statement of Consultation (PDF, 111 KB)