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Port health authority fees and charges

Import fees and charges

You can download our full fees and charges relating to imports below.

Note: as Government policy develops, any legislative changes required are made and further guidance is provided, we will upload further information of how our new Newhaven Border Control Post (BCP) will operate.

In the meantime you must continue to check You should also seek support from your import agent, professional advisor or trade association for updates and developments.

To prepare for using our services, email our dedicated Port Health office, We will provide you with information on how to register for our service and invoicing facility.

Food safety premises endorsement for export (PEE) certificate

You should always make sure you read our guidelines before making your application.

The cost of this certificate is £234.00. 

You can pay online through our website as part of your application. If this is your first application, you will be asked to register for My Account.

Apply for a PEE certificate now

Export health certificate endorsed by the local authority

Currently unavailable. Read our guidance for further information.

Official seals

Read about official seals and the advantages of obtaining one from us. They are available, where we have endorsed an export health certificate or you have obtained an APHA export health certificate.

The cost of an official seal is £81.50 plus VAT

Ship Sanitation

Ship sanitation charges for 01 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 in £ pounds sterling:

  • Ships up to 1,000 GT (gross tonnage) - £100
  • Ships from 1,000 to 3,000 GT - £135
  • Ships from 3,000 to 10,000 GT - £205
  • Ships from 10,000 to 20,000 GT - £265
  • Ships from 20,000 to 30,000 GT - £340
  • Ships over 30,000 GT - £400
  • Vessels with 50-1000 persons - £400
  • Vessels with over 1000 persons - £680
  • Extension of current valid sanitation certificate - £70
  • Additional sampling costs - £80.00

Extra charges, based on actual costs, may be added for expenses incurred. These include launch hire, out-of-hours duty, travel and extended or re-inspections of ships due to 'Control Measures' and so on.

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Last modified on 20 March 2024