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Lewes Local Plan Part 2 (LPP2) examination

The Lewes District Local Plan Part 2 has been submitted to the Secretary of State for examination. Submission was formally made on 21st December 2018.

The adopted Lewes District Joint Core Strategy forms Part 1 of the Local Plan. The Local Plan Part 2 will only apply to the area of Lewes District outside the South Downs National Park.

The Local Plan Part 2 will allocate land for housing, including Gypsy and Traveller pitches, and employment. It will also set out detailed planning policies to guide development and change in the period to 2030. When adopted by the council, these new policies will replace most of the remaining 'saved' policies of the Lewes District Local Plan 2003.

The council has appointed a Programme Officer, who will support the Inspector and the council for the duration of the examination. His details are below:

Mr Chris Banks, Programme Officer, c/o Bank Solutions, 64 Lavinia Way, East Preston, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN16 1EF
Tel : 01903 783722 Mob: 07817 322750

This examination webpage will be updated regularly with news of the examination.

You can find and download the Core Documents from our searchable examination library. We will add correspondence from the Inspector as we receive it. We will also add future Matter Statements and any further documentation submitted and accepted by the Inspector during the examination.

Open the Lewes Local Plan Part 2 examination library

Please be aware that the Planning Inspectorate has released an updated version of the guidance for Examining Local Plans. This revised guidance is available to view on the Government's website.

Latest News

December 2019 - Inspector's report

We received the Inspector's Report on the LPP2 Examination on 20 December 2019. The Inspector has found the LPP2 sound, subject to the inclusion of a number of main modifications which are set out in the Appendix to his report. The Examination is now closed.

You can download the report and appendix below or from the Correspondence tab in our examination library.

Inspector's Report (PDF) [293KB]

Appendix (PDF) [409KB]

Please note that there is an error on page 13 (paragraph 51) of the report where the words 5 September 2018 should read 9 October 2018.

September 2019 - representations submitted to the Inspector

We have submitted all the representations received on the proposed Main Modifications to the Inspector.

You can view a summary of the issues raised by the representations below. Alternatively you can select document CD89 from the 'Core documents' tab on our LPP2 examination library.

CD089 LPP2 Consultation Statement Addendum (PDF) [478KB]

August 2019 - consultation on main modifications closed

The consultation on the proposed Main Modifications and associated Sustainability Appraisal Addendum has now closed.

July 2019 - consultation opened on main modifications

Consultation opened on the proposed Main Modifications and associated Sustainability Appraisal Addendum. We notified everyone who made a representation on the Pre-Submission Plan.

Representations on the Main Modifications were made over a 6 week period between 8 July and 19 August 2019. You can find further details on our consultation portal.

June 2019 - Inspector's schedule of main modifications

We have now received the Inspector's proposed Main Modifications on Local Plan Part 2. These are the modifications which he considers are necessary in order for the Plan to be made 'sound'.

You can download the Schedule of Main Modifications below: 

CD087 LPP2 Schedule of Main Modifications (PDF) [405KB]

Alternatively, you can access the document by selecting CD087 from the 'Core documents' tab of our examination library.

April 2019 - conclusion of hearings

The examination hearings have now concluded. During the hearings, the Inspector requested additional information from a number of participants in order to assist with his consideration of the issues discussed.

You can download a copy of his questions (documents ID006 and ID007) below or from the Correspondence tab on our LPP2 examination library.

ID006 Lewes Local Plan Part 2 - Inspector's Further Questions and Comments to the Council (PDF) [35KB]

ID007 Lewes Local Plan Part 2 - Document Update (PDF) [57KB]

We have added the responses to his questions to the Matter Statements in our examination library.

March 2019 - hearings timetable

The Inspector provided a draft Hearings Timetable. You can download a copy of the timetable below or from the Correspondence tab on our LPP2 examination library, choosing document ID004A.

Hearings timetable (PDF) [66KB]

The Matter Statements have also been published in our LPP2 examination library.

February 2019 - examination hearings announced

We notified everyone who made a representation on the Pre-Submission Local Plan Part 2. You can download a copy of the letter below or from the Correspondence tab on our LPP2 examination library.

ID003 Introductory Letter (PDF) [106KB]

The Inspector provided a Hearings Programme before the hearings, which identified the timetable, key matters for discussion and the attendees invited to take part at each hearing session.

The examination hearings commenced on Tuesday 2 April 2019 at 10am and were held in the Council Chamber, County Hall, St Anne's Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE. The hearings concluded on Friday 12 April 2019.

January 2019 - appointment of Inspector

The Secretary of State appointed Inspector Mike Fox BA(HONS) DIPTP MRTPI to conduct the examination to determine whether the Lewes Local Plan Part 2 is sound.

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Last modified on 22 February 2024