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Gambling premises licence - Eastbourne Borough Council
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1957/Gambling-premises-licence-Eastbourne-Borough-CouncilThis is an online application for Eastbourne Borough Council only. Use our online form to make an application to Eastbourne Borough council. It is essential t...
Gambling premises licence - Lewes District Council
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1956/Gambling-premises-licence-Lewes-District-CouncilHow to pay If you need to pay a fee after the application process, please .
Health and age guidance for piercing, tattooing and electrolysis
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/health-and-age-guidanceThe health of the client and the suitability of the treatment must always be discussed before any treatments starts. Age concern guidance Although some piercing...
Information on taxis
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/information-on-taxisYour council is responsible for licensing taxis and private hire drivers as well as vehicles and private hire operators. What is a taxi (hackney carriage)? Hack...
Licensed premises and club - gaming and machine permits
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1951/Licensed-premises-and-club-gaming-and-machine-permitsFind out how to apply for gaming and machine permits
Licensed premises and club - gaming and machine permits - EBC
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1953/Licensed-premises-and-club-gaming-and-machine-permits-EBCThis is an online application for Eastbourne Borough Council only. This is a gaming machine permit for notification of two or less gaming machines in Eastbour...
Licensed premises and club - gaming and machine permits - LDC
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1952/Licensed-premises-and-club-gaming-and-machine-permits-LDCIt is essential that you read the guidance notes before starting your application.
Major variations on a premises licence or club premises certificate
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1915/Major-variations-on-a-premises-licence-or-club-premises-certificateApply for a major variation on a premises licence and find out further details about eligibility, fees and standards.
Major variations on a premises licence or club premises certificate - Eastbourne Borough Council
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1917/Major-variations-on-a-premises-licence-or-club-premises-certificate-Eastbourne-Borough-CouncilFee You will need to pay a fee to make a major variation to your premises licence or club premises certificate. The fee will be based on the non-domestic rateab...
Major variations on a premises licence or club premises certificate - Lewes District Council
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1916/Major-variations-on-a-premises-licence-or-club-premises-certificate-Lewes-District-CouncilFee You will need to pay a fee to make a major variation to your premises licence or club premises certificate. The fee will be based on the non-domestic rateab...