A-Z of licensing
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Buskers and street entertainers licence
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/buskers-and-street-entertainers-licenceFind out whether you need to apply for a licence to busk or provide street entertainment
Busking in Eastbourne
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/busk-ebcGuidance on busking or providing street entertainment in Eastbourne and how to apply for permission
Busking in Lewes district
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/busk-ldcGuidance and byelaws on busking or providing street entertainment in the Lewes district
Camping and touring caravan licences
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/camping-and-touring-caravan-licencesAll camp sites for tenants and caravans are required to be licensed by the local council. The licences are issued subject to conditions and can be issued for a ...
Club premises certificate
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1921/Club-premises-certificateApply for a club premises certificate and find out more about our standards, fees and eligibility.
Club premises certificate - Eastbourne Borough Council
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/club-ebcThis is an online application for Eastbourne Borough Council only. Fees The fee for applying for a Club Premises Certificate is based on the non-domestic rate...
Club premises certificate - Lewes District Council
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/article/1922/Club-premises-certificate-Lewes-District-CouncilFee The fee for making an application for a minor variation to your premises licence is £89. How to apply We advise all applicants to read our , the and any gu...
Cooling towers
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/cooling-towersAll premises where cooling towers and evaporative condensers are situated must register with their local council. This is so we can: identify potential areas th...
Dangerous and wild animals licences
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/dangerous-and-wild-animals-licencesKeeping dangerous and wild animals requires a licence. Certain animals need to be registered before being kept in this country. We issue licences for animal own...
Dangerous and wild animals licences in Eastbourne
https://lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/dangerous-wild-ebcApply for a dangerous and wild animals licence in Eastbourne