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Garden waste renewals now open

You can now renew your garden waste service for collections starting 1 April 2025
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Search results

  • Apply for a gaming machine permit to Eastbourne Borough Council

    This form can only be used to make  an application to Eastbourne Borough Council . It is essential that you read the  before starting your application. This for...

  • Apply for a minor variation to a premises licence in Eastbourne

    This form can only be used to make  an application to Eastbourne Borough Council . Not sure if you need a minor or major variation? Read the  before starting yo...

  • Apply for a pavement licence

    Use our online form to apply for this licence. What do I need for completing the form? You should  before making your application. You will need to upload the f...

  • Apply for a piercing, tattooing and electrolysis licence in Eastbourne

    Use our online form to apply for a piercing, tattooing and electrolysis licence in Eastbourne

  • Apply for a scrap metal licence in Eastbourne

    Use our online form to apply for a scrap metal licence in Eastbourne. You must read the guidance before applying.

  • Apply for a street collection licence in Eastbourne

    Before completing this form to apply for a street collection licence in Eastbourne, please make sure you read the . This form is currently unavailable. If you n...

  • Apply for a street trading licence

    Use our online form to apply for a street trading licence. You must read the guidance before applying.

  • Apply for a taxi vehicle licence renewal

    This form can only be used to make  an application to Eastbourne Borough Council .  This form is currently unavailable. If you need to make this application urg...

  • Apply for a temporary event notice

    We grant temporary event notices (TEN) to authorise events for licensable activities, including providing entertainment, late night refreshments and selling alc...

  • Apply for a temporary event notice online

    Before applying for a temporary events notice, make sure you have . You can then use our online form below to apply and pay for a temporary events notice applic...

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