Garden waste renewals now open

You can now renew your garden waste service for collections starting 1 April 2025

Buskers and street entertainers licence

If you are busking or providing street entertainment, your performance should be considerate of those around you.

You should follow our guide below to avoid disturbing local residents and businesses.

Busking in Lewes district

Everyone is welcome to busk on public land in Lewes District. You don't have to apply for a licence to busk.

Guidance on busking

When busking, you should

  • play at reasonable volume - only the nearby audience should be able to hear you
  • avoid using amplifiers
  • stop performing when asked by local residents or businesses
  • avoid overstaying your welcome by moving to a different place, at least 50 metres away, every hour
  • only perform between the hours of 10am to 6pm
  • not use drums when performing - they create lots of noise and complaints


No person shall play a musical instrument, sing or use amplified equipment across the district that is loud, continuous or repeated that causes annoyance. You must stop busking if required to do so by the police or a council officer. Failure to comply with such a request is an offence.

Busking in Eastbourne

To obtain permission to busk or be a street entertainer in Eastbourne you need to contact Eastbourne and District Enterprise Agency Ltd (EDEAL) .

Advice for buskers

What buskers should do:

  • Do keep the volume of the performance at a reasonable level    
  • Do keep yourself and equipment close to you whilst busking in the designated zone so not to obstruct any members of the public
  • Do respect your audience
  • Do provide variety in the music that you choose to perform

What buskers should not do:

  • Do not cause any obstruction to members of the public
  • Do not produce noise (for example music and voice) that is so loud that it can plainly be heard at a distance of 50 metres. Busking must not be intrusive or a nuisance to nearby premises
  • Do not play the same song repetitively

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