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Eastbourne Land Availability Assessment

As part of the work being done to prepare a new plan for the future growth and change in Eastbourne, Eastbourne Borough Council is updating its Land Availability Assessment, which will assess sites that could potentially support the development and growth of the town over the next 20 years. The current Land Availability Assessment was published in 2022.

In undertaking the Land Availability Assessment, Eastbourne Borough Council is seeking submissions for potential sites for consideration via a 'Call for Sites', and also inviting comments on the methodology for assessing the sites that are identified.  

This consultation opened on Friday 14th March and is open for a 6-week period until Friday 25th April 2025.

Call for Sites

Eastbourne Borough Council is undertaking a "Call for Sites" to help to identify land that could deliver a variety of development and community needs. Landowners, developers, communities and members of the public are invited to come forward with sites that they consider could form part of a new local plan.

The purpose of the Call for Sites is to gain an up-to-date understanding of the type, quantity and location of land that may be suitable for housing and employment development, and to identify sites that could accommodate other uses such as nature conservation, open space and green infrastructure, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Submissions are invited for suggestions of sites that could accommodate:

·         Homes (including self and custom build, older people's housing and gypsy and traveller sites)

·         Employment land (including office, industrial, retail and leisure uses)

·         Habitat banks and Nature conservation/recovery

·         Green infrastructure

·         Carbon offsetting

·         Renewable energy generation, storage and infrastructure

·         Natural flood management

Sites submitted via the Call for Sites will be subject to detailed assessment using criteria set out in LAA Methodology, and any sites that are identified or allocated for development will be subject to community and stakeholder consultation through the local plan. The submission of a site through the call for sites exercise does not give any planning status, and does not allocate sites or imply that the council will necessarily grant planning permission.

This "Call for Sites" will only cover the part of the Borough which is outside the South Downs National Park.

Sites can be submitted via the Council's online Consultation Portal.


In addition, we are also consulting on the Methodology that sets out the approach for undertaking the Land Availability Assessment, so that stakeholders have the opportunity to input and help refine the way that that sites are assessed. There are a number of assumptions that need to be made in the study and we would welcome input on this.

Comments on the Methodology can also be submitted via the Council's online Consultation Portal


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Last modified on 14 March 2025