Supplementary Planning Guidance and Supplementary Planning Documents
A number of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) have been prepared to provide guidance on the way planning policies will be implemented, including briefs for specific sites.
Lewes District Council
You can download relevant Lewes District supplementary planning documents, guidance and development briefs below.
March 2021 update - Technical Advice Notes (TANs) and Technical Guidance Notes (TGNs)
LDC has prepared a Local Employment and Training Technical Guidance Note for Newhaven to assist in securing local labour agreements as part of development proposals. It will play an important role in helping to secure local employment at both the construction and operational stages of development. It will apply to apply to proposals and developments in Newhaven wards within the boundaries of Lewes District Council as a local planning authority.
LDC has also prepared Technical Advice Notes for three areas; Biodiversity Net Gain, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development. These offer advice and guidance for developers and planning applicants on the principles to incorporate into applications, for any new homes or commercial development, large or small, in the district outside of the South Downs National Park, and can signpost towards other relevant resources. These principles can help to achieve more sustainable development in line with the LDCs Corporate Plan.
July 2018 update - Lewes Affordable Housing SPD
Since the adoption of the Lewes Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document government has published an update to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Paragraph 63 states that "Provision of affordable housing should not be sought for residential developments that are not major developments, other than in designated rural areas". The NPPF defines major developments as "For housing, development where 10 or more homes will be provided, or the site has an area of 0.5 hectares or more."
Therefore, the requirement for 40% affordable housing will now apply to developments of 10 or more homes, rather than 11 or more, or a site area of 0.5 hectares or more. This should be noted when reading the Lewes Affordable Housing SPD.
Eastbourne Borough Council
You can download relevant Eastbourne Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) below. SPGs relate to 2003 Eastbourne Borough Plan Policies. Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) relating to 2013 Eastbourne Core Strategy policies can also be downloaded below.
Search results
EBC Biodiversity Net Gain TAN - Approved 15 Sept 2021 (Adobe pdf documents) NET GAIN PLANNING POLICY TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE SEPTEMBER 2021 Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note BIODIVERSITY NET GAIN Technical Advice No...
EBC Electric Vehicle Charging Points TAN - Approved 15 Sept 2021 (Adobe pdf documents) VEHICLE CHARGING POINTS PLANNING POLICY TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE SEPTEMBER 2021 Electric Vehicle Charging Points Technical Advice Note ELECTRIC VEHICLE CH...
EBC Sustainability in Development TAN - Approved 15 Sept 2021 (Adobe pdf documents) IN DEVELOPMENT PLANNING POLICY TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE SEPTEMBER 2021 Sustainability in Development Technical Advice Note SUSTAINABILITY IN DEVELOP...
Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note (Adobe pdf documents) District Council Planning Technical Advice Note BIODIVERSITY NET GAIN February 2021 i BIODIVERSITY NET GAIN TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE February 2021 Table of C...
Circular Economy Technical Advice Note (Adobe pdf documents) District Council Planning Technical Advice Note CIRCULAR ECONOMY February 2021 i CIRCULAR ECONOMY TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE February 2021 Table of Contents 1....
Sustainability in Development Technical Advice Note (Adobe pdf documents) District Council Planning Technical Advice Note SUSTAINABILITY IN DEVELOPMENT February 2021 i SUSTAINABILITY IN DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE February...
LDC Sustainability in Development TAN - Sustainability Checklist for Major Developments (Word processor documents) IN DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE Sustainability Checklist for Major Developments Application: BIODIVERSITY Populations and Habitat Requiremen...
LDC Sustainability in Development TAN - Sustainability Checklist for Minor Developments (Word processor documents) IN DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE Sustainability Checklist for Minor Developments Please note that the submission of information should be pro...