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Lewes Core Strategy: Local Plan Part 1

The Core Strategy is Lewes District Council's central planning policy document for the Lewes district, outside of the South Downs National Park. It sets out the long term spatial vision for the district and will guide development and change up to 2030. The development plan for Eastbourne Borough, including 'saved' policies, can be found on the Eastbourne Borough Plan and Eastbourne Core Strategy


The Core Strategy was adopted by Lewes District Council on 11 May 2016 and by the South Downs National Park Authority on 23 June 2016. It now forms part of the development plan for the district.  You can download the adopted Core Strategy documents, including the Inspector's final report, adoption statement and frequently asked questions below. The Local Plan Policies Map is available on the Lewes Local Plan Part 2: Site allocations and development management policies webpage. The Sustainability Appraisal and Background Documents are available on the Lewes Core Strategy Examination Library and Background documents webpages.

2019 update

The South Downs National Park Authority have now adopted their Park-wide Local Plan.  For affordable housing requirements within the SDNP, as well as other Planning Policy requirements relevant to the SDNP area, please refer to the South Downs Local Plan 2014-2033 which is available to download on their Local Plan webpage.

July 2018 update - Core Policy 1 Affordable Housing

Core Policy 1- Affordable Housing within the adopted Joint Core Strategy requires affordable housing provision on sites delivering three net additional dwellings, or more. Following the adoption of the Joint Core Strategy government published an update to the Planning Practice Guidance which meant that for any scheme of 11 or more residential units 40% affordable housing would be sought across the whole scheme. 

Now, with the publication of the revised NPPF (July 2018) paragraph 63 states that "Provision of affordable housing should not be sought for residential developments that are not major developments, other than in designated rural areas". The NPPF defines major developments as "For housing, development where 10 or more homes will be provided, or the site has an area of 0.5 hectares or more."  Therefore, the requirement for 40% affordable housing will now apply to developments of 10 or more homes, or a site area of 0.5 hectares or more.

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Last modified on 22 February 2024