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The Chair of Lewes District

The Chair and Vice-Chair of Lewes District Council are elected by the council annually. The Chair's role is non-political, similar to that of a mayor in other councils.

The Chair and Vice-Chair of Lewes District Council are elected by the council annually. The Chair's role is non-political, similar to that of a mayor in other councils. The Chair works to promote the District as a whole, acting as the First Citizen of the District of Lewes

The Chair of Lewes District Council:

Councillor Lesley Boniface  who represents Seaford West, is the current Chair of Lewes District Council.

Vice-chair of Lewes District Council:

Councillor Ian Alexander, who represents East Saltdean and Telscombe Cliffs, is the current Vice-chair of Lewes District Council.

Invite the Chair to an event

How to invite the Chair of Lewes District to an event, and the details you will need to provide.

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